Bible Reading Blog

Bible Reading Blog

We have weekly blogs that are written based on our congregational bible reading. These are a great teaching tool to supplement our understanding of the readings. Check out this page weekly to read the latest blogs!

Congregational Bible Reading

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Responding to Criticism

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

BIBLE READING: Proverbs 12

“The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice. Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult.” (Proverbs 12.15-16, NIV)

If someone criticizes you, what is your first response? I would love to say that I always patiently accept it, consider the information and honestly evaluate myself. But a more natural response is, “How dare you! What right do you have?” I’ve often played the scoffer… anybody else? 

It can be hard to take criticism. We are processing information and juggling our emotions in that moment which can make it easy to have a knee-jerk reaction and respond poorly. And yet, the Proverbs teach it is the fool who allows natural emotions to dictate their response. 

By nature, we reject information that doesn’t fit into our paradigm. We see things through the context of our life experience and our value system. Our limited understanding of life is often loftier in our mind than we realize. Hence why the bible is replete with admonitions to be humble and gracious (see Proverbs 3.7; Romans 12.3; 1 Peter 5.8). 

Wisdom can come in many forms, and sometimes it comes from people that we don’t want to hear from. For us to make determinations about who has the right to give criticism demonstrates a proud heart (see Proverbs 15.12; Romans 12.16; Philippians 2.3).

Our natural responses will likely get us into trouble. So, we must discipline ourselves to listen and respond well. 

“Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.” (Proverbs 12.1)

“By [presumption and contempt] comes nothing but strife, but with those who take advice is wisdom.” (Proverbs 13.10)

“A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back.” (Proverbs 29.11)

We’ve all seen the effects of responding poorly to criticism. We often say things that aren’t thoughtful, make choices that are rash and cause unnecessary damage to relationships we value. We must train ourselves to make wise choices when criticized by storing up this wisdom and following the example of Jesus. 

“When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly” (1 Peter 2.23, NIV). Jesus had nothing to be criticized for, and yet he patiently endured those who hurled it at him.

You may not like what someone has to say, or it may not be delivered well; but it does not change the objective nature of truth. If we are wise, we will train ourselves to receive criticism with grace and patience and use it as an opportunity to refine our faith. 

“…let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger…” (James 1.19)

In Need of Mercy

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


“ can man be right before God? If one wished to contend with him, one could not answer him once in a thousand times... Though I am in the right, I cannot answer him; I must appeal for mercy to my accuser.” (Job 9.2, 15)

Do we understand just how feeble we are? Job was a man of faith, who had possessions beyond what most of us can imagine; and yet it was all taken away from him in a moment. As a person of faith he acknowledged his things were gracious blessings from God (Job 1.21), but also recognized the significance they had in his life. “Have I any help in me, when resource is driven from me?” (Job 6.13)

Job’s grievance is not that God is unjust or corrupt but that He is good, and without His goodness life is unbearable. Even at our very best, time and chance happen to all (Ecclesiastes 9.11) and we are in desperate need of peace and security that only God, in His Sovereignty, can offer. But who are we to demand that from God?

He is stronger, wiser, greater and more perfect in every way than us (Job 9.4-12). If we believe God is the Eternal Creator, what right have we to impose on Him to change our circumstances or provide us relief from present distress? Of His own prerogative God offers mercy, which should give us pause as it did the psalmist: “What is man that you are mindful of him?” (Psalm 8.4)

This reality should position us in humility. I’m not talking about some contrived façade of self deprecation, but a true understanding that if the bottom falls out, we are helpless and hopeless without God. Even at our very best, what power do we have to fully control our lives? We often think we have control until something unexpected happens.

I believe God withholds his goodness at times to help His people learn these realities and desire more than just the benefits of His mercy and grace (see Deuteronomy 8.5). He wants to be our God; He wants us to be his people (Jeremiah 7.23). He wants us to trust and rely on Him (Proverbs 3.5-6). But we must be humble enough to let Him be the leader, in the good and the bad times. 

Is this season of uncertainty producing greater humility in your life? This is what God requires of us (Micah 6.8; Philippians 2.5-8). The gospel calls us to weep and mourn for our sins because they are an affront to God’s perfection (James 4.8-9). It calls us to cast our cares before the loving God (1 Peter 5.6-7). It expects us to turn away from what we think is right (Romans 12.3; 1 Peter 3.11).

We are powerless to control the future, but God is not (Isaiah 46.8-10). On this side of the cross, we thank God for His grace through Jesus to be able to stand boldly before His throne and offer our petitions (Hebrews 4.16). But let us never forget God’s act of mercy. Trusting in Him is our only hope. 

A Lifestyle of Worship

Tuesday, April 07, 2020


 “Is anyone among you suffering?” Let them turn to the book of Job and find all the answers...

We often turn to Job when things are going badly, as a last-ditch effort to salvage our faith. But what a terrible disservice we do to ourselves if we only look at Job during tough times. Job was the epitome of a righteous, godly person and we can learn so much from his life. In fact, I believe Job offers us no consolation if we don’t learn from his lifestyle of worship.

“Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped” (Job 1.20)

The book of Job opens with a brief but profound introduction to his life: “Job was blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil” (Job 1.1).  How do you think this looked in his life? The following verses tell us he would continually offer sacrifices for others (Job 1.5). Job would later say, “I have made a covenant with my eyes not to look with lust on a woman” (Job 31.1). The pattern of Job’s life was evident, so that even God took notice (see Job 1.8; 2.3). Some might have considered him extreme, but it did not concern him. Job worshiped in suffering because his life was built around worship of God and not worship of the things God had given him.

“..The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1.21)

“Shall we receive good from God and shall we not receive evil?” (Job 2.10)

We often talk about worship like it's something we go to and then come back to our normal lives. But this time of isolation has shown us that worship cannot simply be done in a place with sacraments and processes. Worship must be a lifestyle that is constantly positioning us to see God. The word “worship” literally translated means to bow down or position oneself before someone greater.

Job knew God was Sovereign over all because he ordered his life to understand this reality. Especially during these times of upheaval where everything is different, we need to be sure we are positioning ourselves properly before God. That means that every moment is a moment of self-examination. It’s a moment to honor and respect and fear before God. It’s a time for us to position ourselves in such a way that we trust God more deeply. 

That’s where true contentment comes from; realizing our own inability to control our situation but resting in the hope and trust that God is God.  

To speak and think and act like Job takes maturity. It takes vulnerability to release what we want to control so badly. It takes intentionality to not look at what we have and see it as the result of our actions. The truth is, anything we have now is a gift of God’s grace.

Job’s story accentuates the deepest feelings we will experience in the face of trials and struggles in this life. But in everything he experienced the Bible says, "he did not sin or blame God" (Job 1.22). I pray the same could be said about us. And if not, I pray this time of upheaval will strip away our foundations of trust that we too will fear God and turn away from evil.

Weren’t Things Better Before?

Tuesday, March 31, 2020


“How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever?” (Psalm 13.1)

The question that seems to keep coming up is, “When will things get back to normal?” We miss our sports, our social gatherings, our ability to get out of the house and see people. We’re getting stir crazy looking at the same 4 walls and having to entertain the kids, who should be at school right now. From our perspective, this is not how things ought to be! We’re ready to get back to how things were before.

This question reminds me of Israel after the Exodus. God delivered them out of Egypt and took them into the wilderness, away from the “comforts” they were used too. And what did they do? They complained: “Weren’t things better in Egypt?” (Exodus 16.3; Numbers 11.5-6). What a foolish thought... but why did they long for it? It was predictable.

Human nature desires predictability and resolution. We take comfort in knowing what will happen next, even if it’s not great. Like the psalmist and the Israelites, many of us are frustrated with the timeline of events. Now seems like a good time for things to go back to normal. As time drags on what happens is that frustration breeds discontent.

But we need to pause and consider how God used these “wilderness times” to refocus his people. He took away things they thought they needed to help them trust him and pursue things of greater value (see Deuteronomy 8.2-3)

The fact that we are looking back to our times of comfort and saying, “things were better before” misses the opportunity of the present. We have been forced to slow down and given time to reevaluate our lives. Many things have changed, our foundations have been shaken and our norms altered. But God and his promises have not changed.

I’m not suggesting that this virus is God’s master plan fix the world, but we must not dismiss that God might be trying to change us. He may be taking away our idols, destroying our faulty foundations and refocusing our attention on our homes, communities and relationships. Maybe he wants us to slow down and appreciate what we have instead of pursuing what we don’t.

We don’t know what God is up too. But we know he has not changed, and the scriptures reveal that God works in every circumstance to accomplish his will and glory (Romans 8.28). And so, rather than fixating on the past, let’s develop some perspective. Let go of your discontent and embrace the blessings in front of you. Perhaps this time of crisis is his reminder that this world is broken, but he has offered us something better. Let’s not squander this opportunity by trying to bring back the good old days.

“ thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3.13-14)

The Rock of My Heart

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


“Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am languishing; heal me, O LORD, for my bones are troubled. My soul also is greatly troubled. But you, O LORD— how long?” (Psalm 6.2-3)

We are facing uncertain times. Maybe it’s not been overly dramatic for you, but we all are experiencing a dynamic shift in the status quo of our lives. The reality is that our lives will forever be changed by the events we are currently experiencing. If you’re anything like me, that has challenged you emotionally at times as you wrestle with what the future holds.

Our emotions often get out of balance in times of crisis. We see our foundations of wealth and security and health crumbling as the most powerful people in the world scramble to wrap their arms around our current situation. Again, these are uncertain times. This is where many of the psalmists were as they wrote their psalms. Their situations seemed hopeless, and so they appealed to God to offer them help and hope.

In times of crisis, we often appeal to a greater power to help us. Given our current situation, many people are appealing to the government, the CDC and WHO to do something about this global virus. Which make sense, as they have the means and the resources to combat [and hopefully eliminate] the threat we are currently facing.

But are we only hoping in them? Certainly, most believers have not abandoned faith, but are we looking for God to work, as intently as we are looking for the CDC and WHO to offer us a solution?

For believers, everything we experience must be framed in the context of God’s sovereign power. He is unchanging, immutable, firmly in control despite the chaos we see around us (Numbers 23.19; Psalm 119.90; Isaiah 40.28; James 1.17). I like to picture God as a rock in the midst of a violent, raging sea. Our current situation and our emotions are like waves that thrash about, driven by the chaos around us. Much like Peter we often put our focus on the storm and start sinking in our insecurity (Matthew 14.30). And yet as chaotic as our fears and concerns seem to us... and as our waves of emotion pound against the rock of God, he is unmoved and unfazed by it all.

“For who is God, but the LORD? And who is a rock but our God?” (Psalm 18.31)
“The LORD lives, and blessed be my rock, and exalted be the God of my salvation” (Psalm 18.46)

Especially during these days, we need to take a break from the media and from giving so much thought to the problem. We need to shut off everything and just pray. We need to encourage our hearts with God’s power and might. This crisis is temporary; but because this world is not our home, we can live in confidence in the future. We need to refocus our attention on the rock of our salvation and hope.

“My heart and my flesh may fail, but God is the rock of my heart and my portion forever” (Psalm 73.26)

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