Bible Reading Blog

Bible Reading Blog

We have weekly blogs that are written based on our congregational bible reading. These are a great teaching tool to supplement our understanding of the readings. Check out this page weekly to read the latest blogs!

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Do Not Love the World

Tuesday, June 01, 2021


“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.” (1 John 2.15-17)

We easily get caught up in loving this world. We love our hobbies and our vacations. We love our houses, cars, and other possessions. We love the patterns and habits we establish, the places we go, the things we do that make us feel competent. These things offer us a sense of purpose and satisfaction as we invest in them, but only temporarily (Ecclesiastes 2.24; 8.17). This is an admonition we need to hear regularly.

Don’t get me wrong: There is nothing sinful with enjoying the good things in life (Ecclesiastes 8.15), but that must not be our pursuit. Not only will it leave us unfulfilled, but it will keep us from truly knowing God. That is why John offers such a strong admonition: love of the world steals our love for God (1 John 2.15b). It sets our focus on things that are temporary and don’t fulfil the needs of our soul. This is no small matter. If our treasures are on earth and in this life, we will receive nothing from God in eternity (Matthew 6.19-21; Luke 12.16-21).

John wants to expose our way of life (1 John 1.7-10). He wants us to be honest about what we truly love and what we gain from those pursuits. Many of God’s people throughout history have claimed to love and know him but actually have divided interests (Hosea 8.2; 9.17; Matthew 7.21-23).

Jesus’ parable in Luke 12 should be a sobering reminder of how easily we get caught up in worldly things. The rich man tore down his barns to build bigger barns as he prepared for his future. He was prudent and considerate, but he gave no thought to God as he made plans. My friends, it is foolish to invest in anything without consideration of God’s thoughtful blessings towards us. This is easy to impose on others, but it must expose us as well. Have I considered the purpose of God’s blessings toward me? The best things we have are given so we can know God's love and see his grace. 

Too often we identify ourselves by what we do, where we go, what we have. These things are passing away. If all of your worldly possessions were gone, who would you be? Are you defined by your things or by your relationship to God?

Have you considered what you truly love? Is God the center of your affection? Are your daily activities storing up treasures in heaven? Do not love the world. This world is passing away. Let’s get our focus upward and be sure we love the One who supplies our every need. 

“Set your mind on things above, not on things that are on earth.” (Colossians 3.2)

Remember What He Said

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


“…I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told them to you.” (John 16.4)

My oldest daughter asks me the same question every night: “what are we going to do tomorrow?” She doesn’t like to be taken off guard, and I’ve found that when she knows what to expect, she handles those situations much better. That may be a basic human quality. When we have the facts, we are more prepared to handle whatever comes next.

Jesus plainly told his followers what to expect. “They will put you out of the synagogues… whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God (John 16.2) — The world will hate you (John 15.18-25). The words of Jesus prepared them for what they would experience. Not so they would fixate on the struggle but have hope to endure it. “I have said these things to keep you from falling away” (John 16.1).

He knew the coming days would be difficult. They would have to carry on his mission without him physically present. There would be a lot of confusion. But two things would power them through: the example and words of Jesus. This had a significant impact as Peter and John both emphasized these things as they shared the gospel mission with others (1 Peter 2.21-23; 1 John 2.5-6).

Jesus’ knowledge of the path ahead not only prepared the apostles for what was coming but solidified their trust in Jesus. The same is true for us today. Even though we are generations removed from the incarnate life of Jesus, he knew with clarity the challenges that come with being a disciple. So, he warned us, “to count the cost” (Luke 14.25-33). It is a life filled with difficulty and hardship; but it is a life worth living for the end result (John 14.6).

Not only does Jesus know the struggles we face, but he has also been through it, and shown us how to endure. “being found in human form, he humbled himself… to the point of death.. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every other name…” (Philippians 2.8-ff). We may not like what he tells us at times, but his words give truth and life. Ultimately, when we adhere to the words of Jesus, and model his example in suffering, we find hope.

Much like the apostles we may not understand what Jesus is saying until after the fact, but we must not live aloof to what he has said. We need to hide his word in our hearts (Psalm 119.11). It is the substance of our faith that reveals God’s insight into our lives, as well as the world around us. We may not like it, but God’s word always proves true (Proverbs 30.5), and it has been preserved so that in our time of tempting, we may remember what he has said.

At Cross Purposes With God

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


“Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it, for their evil has come up before me.” But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD.” (Jonah 1.1-3a)

Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh. They brutalized Israel (see Nahum 3.1-4), and he believed Nineveh deserved everything that was coming (Jonah 4.1-2). So, when God called, Jonah went the complete opposite direction. God also saw the evil in Jonah’s world, but had a different response: “Go,” he told Jonah. Instead of crushing Nineveh in immediate judgment, God sent Jonah to warn them.

God and Jonah, looking at the same people with the same information, have two completely different responses. In fact, they find themselves at cross purposes. Why? When Jonah looked at Nineveh, he saw a bunch of people who deserved to die. But God looked at Nineveh and saw people in desperate need of mercy.

A few things we learn:

  1. God sees the evil in this world. When evil persists in our world, it causes some to not only question if God cares, but even if he exists. This reminds us that God is actively working to address the evil in the world. The challenge we experience is the timeline on which God operates. Much like Jonah we would like to see God work swiftly against the unrighteous. But often God’s timeline does not align with ours.
  2. God is slow to anger as he offers mercy for everyone. He wanted Nineveh to repent and be right with him. Jonah’s personal vendetta against Assyria blinded him to his own need for mercy. God’s patience with Jonah is especially telling. He doesn’t just want Jonah to do what he told him to do; he wants him to understand what mercy looks like.
  3. God always works in the best interest of humanity. God wanted Nineveh to be right with him. God also knew Jonah had an attitude problem that needed to be addressed. The events in Jonah uncover the purpose of God’s mercy. Like Jonah, even when we are at odds with him (Romans 5.6), “[God] wishes that none should perish but all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3.9). The book of Jonah will demonstrate that not only Nineveh, but also Jonah needed mercy, and God is more than willing to offer it (Jonah 4.11).

For this reason, we need to be careful how we judge others. Maybe we don’t share the gospel with others because we don’t think they will change. Maybe, like Jonah, we don’t want them to change. We need to remind ourselves of God’s mercy towards us (Ephesians 2.4-8). When we were enemies to him, God allowed us to be reconciled to him (Romans 5.6). Like Jonah, God has commissioned us to share a message that will bring people back to him. Are obeying the voice of God or are we running away?

“…God has consigned all to disobedience, that he may have mercy on all.” (Romans 11.32)

The Bread of Life

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


“I am the bread of life” (John 6.48)

Figuratively, Jesus was teaching his ability to sustain and satisfy. He uses the manna God sent to Israel as a parallel to his life and ministry (see Exodus 16). But then the metaphor got complicated. Jesus doesn’t just claim to have this food but to be the food (John 6.27, 35, 51). “Huh?” seems to be the collective response (John 6.52). But Jesus doesn’t stop there. “…unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you” (John 6.53).

The imagery is disturbing even outside of a Jewish context where the Law condemns ingesting blood (Leviticus 17.10-12). The meaning of his comment is hard to understand, even offensive to his listeners, and many leave (John 6.60-61, 66). What is he talking about?

First, we must understand this is not about physical eating (John 6.49-50, 58). We learn this contrast from other verses: “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4.4, cf. Deuteronomy 8.3). We don’t literally eat these words but can consume God’s word for our benefit. The crowds sought him out for another meal but Jesus makes it clear he wants them to learn a spiritual reality (John 6.63)

Second, Jesus is emphasizing the totality with which he must be accepted. In saying “my flesh” and “my blood” he is using a Hebrew idiom meaning “the whole person” (see Matthew 16.17; 1 Corinthians 15.50; Ephesians 6.12; Hebrews 2.14). His disciples were good with benevolent Jesus who kept them fed, but would they follow where the signs were pointing (John 6.26)?

Third, this section is about how to believe in Jesus, and is best clarified by these parallel statements:

  • “everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life” (John 6.40)
  • “whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life” (John 6.54)

Eating = believing. Just like Israel had to gather the manna, so also belief is not a passive acceptance, but an active working to consume what God has given (John 6.29). The metaphor teaches us the element of participation as we accept, ingest, and are changed by what God has given us.

Ultimately, Jesus’ dramatic metaphor is about becoming like him. As they say, “You are what you eat.” When we put our faith in Jesus, we not only accept him as the Son of God, but also follow and obey (or “eat”) him who is the Bread of Life. This involves believing his words by loving him and keeping his commandments (John 14.15).

No doubt this teaching is hard to understand, but it forces us to accept or reject Jesus. The scriptures encourage us to “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34.8), and to delight in the Word who became flesh (John 1.14). Let’s not settle for temporary satisfaction when we can eat and be satisfied with the words of Jesus that produce life.

“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.” (John 6.68-69)

The Stakes Are Higher

Tuesday, May 04, 2021


Joel opens with a once in a lifetime natural disaster (Joel 1.2-4). Ferocious swarms of locusts have destroyed the land leaving devastation in their wake (1.7, 10, 12, 17-20). But this was not a random act of nature. God sent them as a foreshadowing of a more terrible judgment coming (2.25). God would bring a foreign army to invade with terror and ferocity, and none could withstand (2.11).

But as with every act of God’s judgment, it had restorative purposes (2.12-13). These events were intended to prompt the faithful among God’s people to assemble and seek his favor (1.14; 2.15-17). Through their acts of humility, repentance and submission, God promises to reverse the effects of judgment. He will again give them abundance (2.19), drive away the invading enemy (2.20), and restore vitality to the world around them (2.22-25). They will know “I am in the midst of Israel” and “my people will never again be put to shame” (2.27).

This promised restoration looks forward to Immanuel, God with us (Matthew 1.23, cf. Isaiah 7.14). Jesus gave in abundance, even to the point of satisfaction (compare Matthew 14.20 and Joel 2.26). He drove away and dealt with the devastating effects of the true enemy (Matthew 4.23-24; Mark 1.34). He restored vitality to the world and lives of those in it (Matthew 4.23; 9.35; John 10.10; 14.6).

This ultimate fulfilment would not be experienced by these readers, but reconciliation was still a present opportunity. Joel’s jarring depiction of judgment emphasized the need for a to return to the LORD. It would start with the leadership (1.9, 13; 2.17), be demonstrated in repentance, and consummated in trust as they waited for God’s faithful goodness (2.14, 17).

All judgment language drives towards this goal: a radical return to covenant faithfulness with God. He not only wants that but has made it possible through fulfilled promises. Looking ahead, Joel 2 is famously quoted by Peter as he calls another people to repentance (Acts 2.14-38). This emphasizes 2 critical points in scripture: Jesus Christ is the focal point of God’s promises (2 Corinthians 1.20). But the call of God remains the same: repent and trust him (Acts 17.30; 2 Peter 3.9).

On this side of the cross, God’s people are those who respond to this call. Most of us have made that choice at some point in our lives. But just like the people of old, we sometimes become lulled by life and need stirring (Hebrews 10.26-31). As we read Joel, we must consider how God used events and circumstances to get their attention. Perhaps the events of 2020 were intended to bring us back to him. Has it worked? Are we more dedicated to him?

The difference now is the stakes are higher. God is not sending another prophet. We have everything we need to know, through Jesus (Hebrews 1.1-4; 2 Peter 1.3). Those who are faithful will be found seeking the Lord together and encouraging others to do the same.

“…we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Thessalonians 1.11-12)

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