Bible Reading Blog
We have weekly blogs that are written based on our congregational bible reading. These are a great teaching tool to supplement our understanding of the readings. Check out this page weekly to read the latest blogs!
The Timeline is Too Long
Tuesday, March 22, 2022BIBLE READING: Genesis 16-17
God made promises of a future heir (Genesis 15.4), but Abram and Sarai were getting old. Abram was 75 when God called him, and 10 years had passed since then (Genesis 16.3). Was he supposed to just keep waiting? What needed to happen next?
There was no immediate revelation from God. Sarai had determined she could not bear children (Genesis 16.2) and Abram agreed (Genesis 17.17). After all, she was 90 years old. God’s promise to Abram was that a son would come through him (Genesis 15.1-4), so maybe it wasn’t supposed to be Sarai. They needed to explore other options if God’s plan would be fulfilled.
Abram listened to Sarai and had a child with her servant (Genesis 16.2). Although Sarai wasn’t happy about it, for 13 years it appeared this was the path forward for God’s plan. But then God showed up again and promised Abram a son through Sarai (Genesis 17.19). Abram and Sarai laughed (Genesis 17.17; 18.12); but God was serious (Genesis 18.12), and in time Isaac was born.
God’s timing has always caused difficulty for people. A man born crippled wasn’t healed for 38 years (John 5.1-8). Rachel despaired as she was barren 14 years (Genesis 30.1). God’s people were enslaved for 400 years in Egypt. Maybe you’ve been asking God to do something in your life for weeks, months, even years with no obvious response. At this point many people give up or pursue other options because, surely this can’t be the way.
I’m not saying we should just sit around doing nothing and expect God to do something. But we do need to learn to wait on the Lord. When things take longer than expected we tend to get off-script. Stories like this remind us that God’s timeline is often very different than our own, but his promises are always sure. Abram and Sarai weren’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination. They made foolish choices at times. Their impatience and fears sometimes put them in difficult circumstances. But they didn’t just sit around and do nothing. They did their best to walk with the Lord in the way they thought was most pleasing as they waited on the Lord.
Running the race with endurance means we must not only develop long term thinking, but patience in the work of God in our lives. As we walk by faith, the next step may be unclear. Really, we will never see the future with clarity. But having faith doesn’t mean we have it figured out or that we will always get it right. What it does mean is we are open to what his word says and diligent to follow where it leads. There will always be times when we know the right thing to do. Faith is defined in these moments.
Much of our anxiety comes from what we can’t control or what might happen. God wants us to leave that alone, trust in him, and do what we know is right. Don’t let the timeline bother you; God is working all things together for good, for those who love him according to his purpose (Romans 8.28)
Abram Believed the LORD
Tuesday, March 15, 2022BIBLE READING: Genesis 15
“And [Abram] believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness” (Genesis 12.6)
God’s initial promise to Abram was certain, but vague (Genesis 12.1-3). When he packed up to move, Abram had no idea where he was going (Hebrews 11.8b). Besides that, he was getting older, and he didn’t have any kids from which to make a great nation. But off he went.
Abram’s actions of faith are something to behold. When God spoke, Abram moved (12.1,4; 13.14, 18). He would go and do whatever God said because Abram believed God. That is because Abram trusted God was inherently reliable, and his word sure. That is the point of our verse today. To some this seems like a blind leap of faith. But I believe this speaks to the clarity with which Abram saw God. He didn’t need to be told the same thing 50 different ways. He heard what God said and he looked forward to how it would be fulfilled. This sort of trust is fundamental to faith.
In a short time, Abram had seen the land of promise and tasted the fruit of God’s promise to bless him and curse his enemies. However, when God reiterates his commitment to Abram (Genesis 15.1), we discover his faith was not without questions. “What will you give me for I continue childless…?” (Genesis 15.2). “How am I to know that I shall possess [this land]?” (Genesis 15.7).
It is critical we understand that faith is not afraid to ask questions. All people of faith questioned how and when God would operate. But they did it out of trust, not doubt. Faith is not overly skeptical. God will teach us what we need to know. There are things we may not understand about this life or the one to come, but that is intentional. He is the one in charge and he will work in our best interest. That’s what we see as this chapter concludes.
God responds to Abram’s questions with another promise (Genesis 15.5) and display that would have eternal implications (Genesis 15.9-ff). This strange scene represented an ancient covenant ritual. Normally both parties would pass between the animals as a pledge of fidelity. But here, “God” passed through alone. Abram played his part in arranging the items, but it is God who gave the covenant certainty (Genesis 15.13).
Abram didn’t see many of these things come to fruition (Hebrews 11.13), but we know they did. We know that Israel was afflicted as slaves for 400 years in Egypt (Genesis 14.13; Exodus 1-2; 12.40; Acts 7.6-7). We know that God brought judgment on Egypt and brought his people out with great possessions (Genesis 14.14; Exodus 6.6; 12.36). We know that his people came back to the land God had promised (Genesis 14.16; Joshua 1.6) We know because it has been recorded for our learning (Romans 15.4).
But it was by faith that Abram believed God. Oh, for a faith like his! We are to see from him that faith looks forward to God’s promises. It longs for them to be fulfilled and it works to be the tool for their fulfillment. As we will see in later chapters, that sometimes leads to foolish decisions on our part. It appears Abram tried to “help” God out with this plan (Genesis 16). But as is always the case, God works all things together for good, in his way, on his time schedule. We must learn to trust him. To wait for him. To rest in his promises.
Abram believed God by ordering his life to see the fulfillment of God’s promises. Do we?
The Turning Point
Tuesday, March 08, 2022BIBLE READING: Genesis 12
Humanity was on a downward trend (Genesis 6.5-6). Even after the restart there was an immediate regression into sinfulness (Genesis 11.20-23). Genesis 12 is a noticeable and dramatic turning point. Even though it’s not the beginning of the bible story, Genesis 12 is a definitive moment in the history of humanity. It sets the scene for the rest of the bible and offers hope to an otherwise hopeless story.
We need to see 3 important things that happen in Genesis 12:
God reached out. Don’t miss this detail… If God doesn’t decide to come to Abram, there are no promises, Abram never leaves his home, and the ugly patterns from Genesis 3-11 continue. God could have left humanity to those things. But He didn’t want that. “For God so loved the world” that he made the first move in a much larger plan to change the outcome.
God had a plan. This is the key point that gets developed through the rest of the bible. Part of the plan involves Abram’s immediate circumstance – blessings for him and his family. But it also involves blessings for everyone through him. Genesis 12 creates momentum and expectation as God’s people look for this plan to come to fulfillment.
Abram responded. The bible tells us simply that “Abram went, as the LORD had told him” (Genesis 12.4). We cannot glaze over the enormity of that statement as it changed the entire course of his life. But it was not an isolated choice. Every time God revealed himself to Abram, there is a corresponding action (Genesis 12.1, 4; 12.7; 13.14, 18). His faith produced a total life movement in response to God. There was nothing sacred, nothing he held back, no “yes, but…” banter with God to address the other things he had going on in his life. I suspect if it were me, there would be a paragraph in the bible that says, "and Daniel asked "why"." Maybe it’s just me… but I think not.
We tend to desire predictability and resolution. We build homes and make investments for the future to give us confidence and security. We take comfort in knowing what will happen next, even if it’s not great. But we need to consider that God has always called people of faith to trust him and follow where he leads. Sometimes that means letting go of things that make us comfortable.
Genesis 12 not only teaches us patterns in our relationship with God but also reminds us our lives are directed by God’s revelation. People of faith are defined by God’s control over every aspect of our lives: finances, relationships, location, service, etc. Sometimes we deny God control over certain areas of our lives, and it hinders our growth. We need to think seriously about whom and what we trust. But most importantly we need to order our lives in faith, so that not only will we be blessed but so God may be shown to be great in our lives.
Appointed to His Service
Tuesday, February 22, 2022BIBLE READING: Ephesians 3
“For this reason, I, Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus on behalf of you Gentiles…” (Ephesians 3.1)
Paul felt an obligation and compulsion to teach the Gentiles because that’s what God had revealed to him. This is a pattern he wants believers to latch onto. When God reveals, we should move. To emphasize the personal nature of this pattern, Paul digresses briefly into self-evaluation (Ephesians 3.7-8). “I am the least of all the saints” – he considers how worthless and unworthy he really should have been considered – but he doesn’t stay there long.
We would do well to consider his attitude because it’s easy to beat ourselves up sometimes. Especially if we see ourselves clearly as Ephesians 2.1-3 expects us to, we can be overwhelmed by our own insufficiency and deficiency. But Paul never wallows in his weakness. The closest he gets to that is in 2 Corinthians 12 when he is pleading with the Lord about his thorn in the flesh. But even then, he comes out of it quickly – why? Because when he is weak, then God is strong.
Like Paul, we each have a ministry that we must fulfill because of the gospel. And like Paul, there will always be challenges. People will oppose or reject us. We may doubt that we are capable of telling others about Jesus. But God is not concerned with what we think we can or cannot do. He uses the best and worst of circumstances to work his will. He knows we are weak at times and will fail. He knows we fight the same battles every day for days, weeks and maybe even years. He knows how Satan attacks us and makes us feel worthless.
But to God we are not hopeless or worthless. Nothing is beyond his control. He takes dead people and makes us alive to demonstrate this point. So, when you feel broken, messed up, or not good enough, remember that nothing is too difficult for God. This attitude will not only encourage your heart but place your trust where it belongs: On God, who promises life and hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (2 Corinthians 1.9-10).
We have much work to do in the service of Jesus, and we must not allow our weaknesses to overpower us. Instead, let us trust in his guidance (Psalm 119.105). His power is a stronghold in the day of distress (Nahum 1.7). His promises are an emphatic reminder of his faithfulness (Hebrews 13.5). Let us not concern ourselves with what we cannot do. Instead let us see the opportunity God has presented us to serve others and let us do the work to which we have been called.
"I thank him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he judged me faithful, appointing me to his service, though formerly I was a blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent opponent. But I received mercy..." (1 Timothy 1.12-13a)
The Habit of Some
Tuesday, February 15, 2022BIBLE READING: Hebrews 10
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10.24-25)
I still remember the first Sunday back from Covid quarantine. The energy was palpable. We were excited to be there and enthusiastic about worshipping together. I left feeling a sense of purpose and thanksgiving for my brethren. I think we all understood the value of being together. But that moment has passed, and with it, the enthusiasm of some for being together.
Time has a way of doing that to us all. Even first century believers lost sight of the great value their time together supplied (Hebrews 10.32-36). When faith is easy, people tend to revert to what is easy. Especially with the technology we have, it’s much easier to stay home and watch a live stream than to get dressed and interact with real people. But to neglect being with God’s people is not only detrimental to you but says a lot about your faith. It’s not that important. It’s not a priority. I’m not talking about those who have health issues or extenuating circumstances. Many of those folks would love to be able to sit in the pews again. But that’s because they have developed a habit through maturity and conviction.
As the writer of Hebrews reminds us, spiritual negligence is a habit (Hebrews 10.25). Just like it takes time to form good habits, forsaking the assembling can become something that comes natural because of constant repetition. We all need to be stirred up from time to time to remember the purpose of our assembling together. It’s not just about checking the box but being engaged with the needs of others. We know how that feels when others do that for us. There is nothing as powerful as a word of encouragement or a hug from a friend in Christ. Feelings come and go. We need the rhythm of regular interactions with our brethren to keep us focused, encouraged, and accountable. When we get together with this purpose, we all benefit, and God is honored.
Mature believers take advantage of every opportunity to be with God’s people. The more you understand Scripture, the clearer you see the reality of what’s coming, and the more compelled you feel to surround yourself with people going the same direction as you. You won’t have this urgency if your faith is lazy or if you develop habits that keep you distracted. Too many people have been lulled by the comforts of this world and a false idea that my faith is my own and I don’t need anyone else. That’s just simply not God’s plan. We are a body joined together by Christ and serving his purpose (1 Corinthians 12). As often as we can, we need to be together.