Bible Reading Blog

Bible Reading Blog

We have weekly blogs that are written based on our congregational bible reading. These are a great teaching tool to supplement our understanding of the readings. Check out this page weekly to read the latest blogs!

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The Blood of Jesus

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

BIBLE READING: Hebrews 8-10

“…the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life.” (Leviticus 17.11)

In Leviticus 17, God gave instructions regarding sacrifices and offerings, particularly on the proper slaughtering of animals. The people were to bring each animal to the tabernacle entrance for the priest to offer. The blood of the animal was never to be treated as common food; it belonged to God, who is the giver of life (Genesis 2.7; Job 33.4; Psalm 139.13). So, the blood of animals was drained and offered to God on the altar. Under the Old Law, this was God’s pattern for dealing with sin, and the shedding of blood was the most critical element (Leviticus 16.15; Hebrews 9.22).

The problem was this process was not permanent. It had to be repeated year after year for both the people and the priests (Hebrews 9.7, 25; 10.10). However, this process established a truth that would only be revealed in Jesus Christ: “when Christ came into the world, he said, “Sacrifices and offerings you have not desired, but a body have you prepared for me…” (Hebrews 10.5). It was always God’s will for humans to be made right with God by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, once for all time (Hebrews 10.10). When Jesus offered up His life—pouring out His blood on the cross—the perfect sacrifice had finally been made: “Just think how much more the blood of Christ will purify our consciences from sinful deeds so that we can worship the living God. For by the power of the eternal Spirit, Christ offered himself to God as a perfect sacrifice for our sins” (Hebrews 9.14, NLT).

All those from times past, present, and future can now be made right with God by the blood of Jesus (Romans 3.23-26). The apostle John saw a future multitude of believers in heaven who “have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb.” They have been purified from sin by obedience through faith and “clothed in white” (Revelation 7.13–14).

Because of the Old Testament system, Christ’s followers can comprehend what Jesus was doing on the cross. He gave his perfect life as a ransom (Mark 10.45). Just as physical life is in the blood of animals, eternal life is in the blood of Jesus Christ. Physically, our existence depends on blood to sustain life. Spiritually, our lives depend on the shed blood of Jesus Christ (Romans 5.10; 1 John 1.7; Ephesians 1.7; Colossians 1.14; Hebrews 9.22). Through the Old Covenant sacrifices, we are led to appreciate that death—the shedding of blood—has always been the cost of securing eternal life for sinful humans. But thanks be to God that, by the blood of Jesus, we can be assured of forgiveness by faith in him.

“…since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh… let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10.19-23)

Sound Doctrine

Tuesday, February 06, 2024


“But as for you, [Titus], teach what accords with sound doctrine.” (Titus 2.1)

There was trouble brewing in the early churches. At first glance, it seemed innocent enough – people wandering off into vain discussions about myths and genealogies (Titus 1.14). But Paul puts a finer point on the efforts of these vocal leaders: they are empty talkers, deceivers, and they must be silenced (Titus 1.11). I’m sure to those in their congregations, these men were kind, charismatic and charming. But Paul was not concerned with appearances. He saw right through their efforts to the effects: people were not only swerving from their faith (1 Timothy 1.7; Titus 1.11); they were wrecking it altogether (1 Timothy 1.19). To encourage these young preachers, Paul began his letters with specific instructions to teach sound doctrine (1 Timothy 1.3; Titus 2.1).

The idea of “sound” literally means “healthy” or “as it should be.” Paul uses it in contrast to those who “speculated” and “taught for shameful gain”, which defiled the mind and the conscience (1 Timothy 1.4; Titus 1.11, 15). This snapshot into the early church reveals that when people deviate from what is right and true, the church suffers. Opinions and personalities dominate where God’s glory should be, and we become something other than a body that honors God.

Sound doctrine is critical in aligning us with the will of God. Furthermore, it is clear that sound doctrine is the only tool capable of creating true harmony among God’s people. In his letters Paul identifies specific characteristics of sound doctrine to keep us from the deception of wrong thinking.

Sound doctrine...

  1. Always points to Jesus. “If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he… understands nothing.” (1 Timothy 6.3-4). Jesus is the foundation of sound doctrine because he illuminates the purpose of God’s plan in our lives and in the church (Ephesians 3.9).
  2. Develops stricter morality. “The grace of God has appeared… training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions and to live soberly and upright in the present…” (Titus 2.11-12). Behavior is an extension of theology, and there is a direct relationship between what we think and how we act.
  3. Creates distinction. Paul emphasizes two distinct ways of thinking to these young men: Speculation versus stewardship. Personal agendas versus. God’s glory. The reality is not everyone is honest and sincere. (Philippians 1.15-17). When confronted with God’s standard it becomes evident who’s glory is being promoted.
  4. Produces vitality and life. “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers” (1 Timothy 4:16). This is an intangible element of sound doctrine, but it is undeniable. The gospel gives life.

In many ways, sound doctrine is a conservative and deliberate approach to God’s revealed will. But it is more than that. It is a way of thinking that relies on obvious truths that compel change and accountability. As our world becomes increasingly subjective, we need sound doctrine to have peace in our faith. And so, let us be sure we are investing ourselves in what is sure, evident, and sound.

It is God Who Justifies

Tuesday, January 09, 2024

BIBLE READING: Galatians 1

“For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1.10)

Paul had a history. Paul was once Saul, the persecutor of the church (Acts 8.1-3). He was a prominent member in the Jewish community. It was Saul who stood in approval while Stephen was stoned to death (Acts 7.58). But then Saul met Jesus, and everything changed for him (Acts 9). The persecutor now became the preacher of the faith he once tried to destroy (Galatians 1.23).

Paul’s conversation made significant waves in the Jewish community. Overnight his friends became his enemies and his enemies became skeptics, at first (Acts 9.19-31). Had it not been for Barnabas, assimilation into the church would have been a much more difficult process. But Paul willingly accepted this lot because he learned something critical: Appearances and human approval don’t make us right before God. Bearing fruit of righteousness does.

Paul’s changed life is a witness, not just to what change looks like, but about what justifies us before God. Notice this emphasis as he recounts his story: We are NOT justified by…

  • Wearing the right name (Galatians 1.13, 14). Paul was a Jew and proud of it. He was in the right places with the ‘right’ people doing the ‘right’ things. But just being called a Jew didn’t justify him.  
  • Being a top performer (Galatians 1.14). Paul went above and beyond most people. He was capable and using his talents. He worked harder than anyone, even after his conversation (1 Corinthians 15.10), but even that did not justify him to God.
  • Zeal for traditions of men (Galatians 1.14b). Traditions have always been important to God and his people. But these processes didn’t increase his standing before God.

I’m not trying to minimize the import of working hard in our faith. Just like Paul, I want us to see that our efforts alone will always be lacking the grace and mercy needed to be justified. To find justification and peace we must shift our thinking and our trust. Paul’s life shows us that we are justified when we are…

  • Going where God leads (Galatians 1.15a, 16b). His activities were now directed by God and his purposes. His think-sos were minimized because he knew his way was not best. To be justified we must let God be the leader.
  • Prioritizing God’s revelation (Galatians 1.16-17). Paul immediately got away from other people of influence to consider the truths of God’s revelation. Even after he came back to Jerusalem to meet with Peter (Cephas), he made it a point to say he wasn’t allowing these people of influence to be the primary informant of his gospel (Galatians 1.19-20). We are easily swayed by impactful teachers, but they must never be the primary voice in our mind.
  • Bearing fruit of repentance to God’s glory (Galatians 1.23-24). Change according to God’s direction aligns us with him and allows us to access justification by the blood of Jesus.

These lists are an important reminder for us not to get caught up in appearances or what other people think of us. It is God who justifies (Romans 8.33). Let us honor him with our efforts of obedience and faithfulness

Those Sanctified in Christ Jesus

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

BIBLE READING: 1 Corinthians 1

There is no such thing as a perfect church and that is glaringly evident with a church like that in Corinth.  From the get-go we learn about prideful rivalries, sexual immorality between members, issues with marriage and divorce… There is a laundry list of issues here that needed attention. And yet Paul addressed them as “the church of God that is in Corinth… Those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together” (1 Corinthians 1.2).

Before getting to these issues, Paul put Jesus front and center as the basis for his plea to this church. 9 times in the first 9 verses, Paul invokes the name of Jesus. He recounts the benefits in Christ, the sufficiency of Christ, and the fellowship they share together in Christ. They are lacking in nothing because Christ was preached, and gifts were given to equip them for their new life in Christ (1 Corinthians 1.6-7). While the issues he had to discuss were important, Paul reminded them that loyalty to Jesus is the fundamental basis for fellowship.

Now with that comes expectation. He doesn’t tell them to simply avoid or ignore their present issues. On the contrary, this letter emphasizes the critical nature of practicing faith according to God’s expectations. Paul plainly states that unholy behavior is inconsistent and unacceptable for those who wear the name of Jesus (1 Corinthians 5.11-13). Hence why he calls them to make judgments, hold one another accountable, and deal with each other in humility (see 1 Corinthians 5.9-13; 8.8-13). Paul’s boldness has nothing to do with elevating himself, but rather elevating Jesus through the lives of his fellow believers.

Allegiance to Christ constrains the actions of believers (Titus 2.11-12). It forces us to examine ourselves more closely and hold one another to a higher standard. But it should also create humility as we understand our limitations and see our sinfulness.

Loyalty to Jesus must be the motivating factor in everything we do. We may not always agree at first, but a commitment to obey and follow Jesus will always bring us closer. We must not forget this fundamental truth. The calling of God is through Christ. The forgiveness of sins is because of Christ. The hope we have is in the sufficiency of Christ. We have no grounds to boast of ourselves except for what Christ has done for me, even while I was an enemy of his (Romans 5.6-9).

There is nothing about our faith and fellowship that can exclude the example, teaching and saving power of Jesus Christ for me. Especially when we find ourselves at odds with others, we must recommit ourselves to unity by promoting a sincere commitment to obey and honor King Jesus.

“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” (Ephesians 5.21)

Competing Convictions

Monday, December 11, 2023


Conviction is a critical and practical trait to our faith. We must move from information, to personalization, to transformation by accepting and applying the truths of scripture. And so, as we draw conclusions from scripture we must also have greater determination to practice what we’ve learned.

The problem is we are not all the same. We have different ways of thinking and drawing conclusions. That was certainly true in the 1st century. A significant difference that existed was over the eating of meats. Under the OT law it was forbidden to eat certain meats (for instance, Leviticus 11.1-47). But that was no longer the case under the law of Christ (see Romans 14.14, 20; 1 Timothy 4.3-5). However, there were still some who were uncomfortable with eating these meats. After all, it was wrong before and it was hard for them to believe that it could be ok now. So, there were two groups with different convictions – those who felt like it was wrong, and those who felt like it was not wrong. What were these disagreeing brethren to do? In this section Paul tells them 3 things:

  1. Don’t judge those who draw a different conclusion (Romans 14.1, 13). Someone may not hold the same opinions as you do (14.1). That’s key here. They weren’t disagreeing over doctrine or facts, but opinions. He tells them not to judge or look down on one another just because they hold different opinions.
  2. Don’t put a stumbling block in front of another (Romans 14.13, 15-17). In other words, don’t do something I know rubs my brother the wrong way. It is evident these believers had liberty to eat the meat. But because they knew it bothered their brethren Paul expects that to influence their behavior in a positive way. In other words, if I know someone has a strong opinion that differs from mine, don’t go rubbing it in their face. Be respectful of other’s choices and don’t cause them to stumble. My choices can cause others to be angry, jealous, or to feel bad about you because of choices you make. That is not ok in the body.
  3. Choose the path of peace (Romans 14.20-22). On matters like these, there are times when it would be better to let some things go for the sake of my brother. “…if your brother is grieved by what you eat, you are no longer walking in love. By what you eat, do no destroy the one for whom Christ died” (Romans 14.15). If I know eating meats would cause my brother to be upset or question his beliefs, why not choose never to eat meat around that person? I’d rather make a conscious sacrifice so that I never cause a brother or sister to struggle.

Our differences don’t have to divide us. Even in the areas we disagree, we can all agree to love one another and put each other first—loving like Christ!

“Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother” (Romans 14.13)

This blog was adapted from thoughts written by Jordan Shouse.

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