Bible Reading Blog
“No King in Israel”
Categories: Congregational Bible ReadingBIBLE READING: Judges 17-21
In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in their own eyes. (Judges 17.6; 21.25)
In the absence of a king, who is in charge? Nobody. Everybody. The book of Judges is chaotic and confusing, marked by corruption even from the ‘saviors’ in Israel. “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” basically states that anarchy existed in Israel. This refrain identifies the specific problem behind the issues during this time: there was no definitive authority.
Of course, this didn’t have to be true. God himself was their king (1 Samuel 8.7), fulfilling the roles of protector and provider. But in the absence of a ‘present’ human leader, God was taken for granted and ultimately rejected for the king of each man’s creation.
This is an obviously negative commentary on the state of Israel. In the absence of clear leadership, Israel rejected the charge Moses laid upon Israel: to do what was right in God’s eyes (Exodus 15.26; Deuteronomy 6.18; 12.25, 28; 13.19; 21.9). Whatever the shortcomings of the future Israelite monarchy, there was no uncertainty in Israel during that period as to the sphere from which leadership was expected. Without a definitive governing authority to maintain discipline and order in Israel, the people were morally destitute and totally lost. In other words, they didn’t need a king to mess things up; each person did a fine job of that themselves.
Sounds a lot like Paul’s message to the Romans: “None is righteous; no not one. No one does good… no one seeks after God… all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory” (Romans 3.10-ff). But here, Paul is not talking about Israel but of the sad state of humanity.
Look around at our world… it’s no different than the times of the judges. We “do our own thing” and sing songs that boast, “I did it my way.” Circumstances dictate behavior because the ‘self’ is the god who is being protected. History demonstrates that when self is supreme, the outcome is always conflict and violence because that is the only way to maintain what is valued. Without the authority of God, nations into the depths of depravity and moral decay.
This is a cautionary tale for God’s people today. It is not the name on the building or the family we came from that makes us unique. Adherence to God’s rule is the distinguishing feature of God’s people. We know that God’s authority gives right perspective and value to the things of this world. Of course he is not physically present, but he exercises authority through his people who hold to his testimony. We are salt and light in the world, preserving it from the chaos that is sure to come without his authority. This is why we must be all the more diligent to know and do what God says. The corruption in this world is evidence of the coming judgment of God. We cannot alter its ultimate course, but we can introduce them to the king who will give them peace.