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Bible Reading Blog

“Do You Believe?”

Categories: Congregational Bible Reading


“Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20.30-31)

The evidence regarding the deity of Jesus is staggering, and yet most people throughout history will not believe in him (Matthew 7.13-14; John 12.37, 14.6). There is always a skeptic, an arguer, a dissenter. Someone with a selfish, proud, stubborn heart. There will always be someone who wants more evidence (John 20.25).

But how much evidence do you need to believe that Jesus is the Son of God?

Some people followed Jesus after hearing him once. But for others, it took more time. They needed more evidence and verification. They had to wrestle with their own doubts and fears. Some had to develop personal courage to follow the evidence and do what was right. And so it is with us at times.

Belief in Jesus is critical, but it is not always easy (Mark 10.17-22; John 6.60-66). John has shown us that the process of belief is different for every person. And so, we need to take our cues from Jesus regarding…

  • …how we treat others. Jesus was remarkably patient and merciful. He made no attempt to compare others to himself. He humbly encouraged self-examination and personal change. We are expected to encourage the weak and challenge the strong (Jude 22-23), but we must always remain humble in our approach (Philippians 2.5-8)
  • …how we treat ourselves. Sometimes we think more of ourselves than we ought to. Other times we feel like we’re worthless and will never be what God wants us to be. It is easy to get out of balance as we evaluate ourselves. And so, we must learn to see ourselves in light of God’s grace (Romans 5.5-8) and understand the need to humbly walk with Jesus.

If you don’t spend time with Jesus, listening and learning, walking and growing, he won’t be real in your life. You won’t believe because you will not know the power of his words, the conviction of his life, or the relationship you desperately need with the Father of life.

The world has never seen a more unique character in history. Religious and secular historians agree that the life and message of Jesus has changed the world forever. In his gospel, John has given us reason to believe Jesus is the Son of God... but our decision to believe and follow him remains. 

The evidence has been presented. Jesus’ teaching and life are before us. Either he is a crazy person, a con-man, or he is who he claimed to be. Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God?

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in his should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3.16)