

Because of our reverence for God's Word, a sermon is given each Sunday so we can consider the teachings and better serve God's purpose for us. Take a listen to some of our recent sermons below!

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
07/10/22 You're Not Special (Romans 1.16-2.11) Daniel Lee N/A Sun AM
07/06/22 Abraham's Life of Faith Reagan McClenny Beware and Behold Wednesday Night
07/03/22 The Consistent Plan of God (Romans 1.1-6) Daniel Lee Romans Sun AM
06/29/22 Gideon Noah Diestelkamp Beware and Behold Wednesday Night
06/26/22 What's Your Story? Daniel Matthews N/A Sun AM
06/22/22 The Generation That Did Not Enter Tim Jennings Beware and Behold Wednesday Night
06/19/22 Alcohol and the Christian George Davis N/A Sun AM
06/15/22 Caleb Rickie Jenkins Beware and Behold Wednesday Night
06/12/22 Authority in the Small Stuff (Luke 20) Daniel Lee N/A Sun AM
06/08/22 The Wise Woman of 2 Samuel 20 Ben Lee Beware and Behold Wednesday Night
05/22/22 The Armor of God George Davis N/A Sun AM
05/15/22 2 Indisputable Facts (1 Cor. 15.1-4) Daniel Lee N/A Sun AM
05/08/22 Who Told You That? (Gen. 3) Daniel Lee N/A Sun AM
05/01/22 Ask (Luke 11.1-13) Daniel Lee N/A Sun AM
04/24/22 Defense Wins Championships Don Truex Finishing Strong Gospel Meeting
04/23/22 Finding Common Ground Don Truex Finishing Strong Gospel Meeting
04/23/22 It's Your Move Don Truex Finishing Strong Gospel Meeting
04/23/22 Growing Older and Better Don Truex Finishing Strong Gospel Meeting
04/22/22 Do You See What I See? Don Truex Finishing Strong Gospel Meeting
04/10/22 Growing to Maturity Jim Smitherman N/A Sun AM
04/03/22 Things That Must Not Be Named (Eph. 5) Daniel Lee N/A Sun AM
03/20/22 Attitudes of Faith (2 Tim. 2) Daniel Lee N/A Sun AM
03/13/22 Enduring Temptation George Davis N/A Sun AM
03/06/22 Run the Race with Endurance (Heb. 12.1-2) Daniel Lee Run the Race with Endurance Sun AM
02/27/22 God's Word Directs (Neh. 8) Daniel Lee N/A Sun AM

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