Bible Teaching Online

Bible Teaching Online

At the Downtown church, we use the Bible as our only guide for our faith and practices. Within the Bible, we find God’s plan for how to live, how to worship, and how to love our fellow man. In fact we know that God, “has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness…” (2 Peter 1:3). 

So, we simply seek to study the Bible and apply God’s wisdom to every part of our lives. We have Bible classes every Sunday and Wednesday for all ages. This is a great opportunity to study and discuss God's word with each other.

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
04/09/17 Jesus the Teacher Daniel Lee Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-04-09_Daniel_Jesus_the_Teacher.mp3
02/26/17 Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees Byron Gage Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-02-26_Byron_Beware_the_Leaven_of_the_Pharisees.mp3
02/19/17 Aim and Focus in the Christian's Life Daniel Lee Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-02-19_Daniel_Aim_and_Focus.mp3
02/12/17 The Great High Priest Byron Gage Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-02-11_Byron_The_Great_High_Priest.mp3
02/05/17 From Faith to Faithlessness Byron Gage Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-02-05_Byron_Faith_to_Faithlessness.mp3
01/29/17 But We See Jesus Byron Gage Sermon 2017 Annual Theme: Jesus Sun AM 2017-01-29_Byron_But_We_See_Jesus.mp3
01/22/17 The Deity of Christ - Signs, Wonders, Miracles Byron Gage Sermon 2017 Annual Theme: Jesus Sun AM 2017-01-22_Byron_The_Deity_of_Christ.mp3
01/01/17 And the Word Became Flesh Byron Gage Sermon 2017 Annual Theme: Jesus Sun AM 2017-01-01_Byron_And_the_Word_Became_Flesh.mp3
12/25/16 Influence George Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 2016-12-25_George_Influence.mp3
12/18/16 Our Hope Byron Gage Sermon N/A Sun AM 2016-12-18_Our_Hope.mp3
12/11/16 Jesus is Greater than the Storm Daniel Lee Sermon N/A Sun AM 2016-12-11_Daniel_Jesus_is_Greater_Than_the_Storm.mp3
12/04/16 Our Hearts Burned within Us Byron Gage Sermon N/A Sun AM 2016-12-04_Byron_-_Our_Hearts_Burned_Within_Us.mp3
11/27/16 Prayer in the Book of Acts Daniel Lee Sermon N/A Sun AM 2016-11-27_Daniel_Prayer_in_the_Book_of_Acts.mp3
11/20/16 That Which We Have Seen...Heard...Touched Byron Gage Sermon N/A Sun AM 2016-11-20_Byron_Seen_Heard_Touched.mp3
11/06/16 Joy Killers Daniel Lee Sermon N/A Sun AM 2016-11-06_Daniel_Joy_Killers.mp3
11/06/16 The Holy Spirit Byron Gage Bible Class N/A Sun PM 2016-11-06_Byron_PM_The_Holy_Spirit.mp3
10/16/16 Run the Race Daniel Lee Sermon N/A Sun AM 2016-10-16_Daniel_-_Running_the_Race.mp3
10/02/16 The Urgency of Today Daniel Lee Sermon N/A Sun AM 2016-10-02_Daniel_-_The_Urgency_of_Today.mp3
08/28/16 Lust Byron Gage Sermon Sermon on the Mount Sun AM 2016-08-28_Lust.mp3
08/07/16 The Ideal Marriage Rickie Jenkins Sermon Lessons on Marriage, Home and Family Gospel Meeting 2016-08-07_Jenkins_Class.mp3
08/07/16 Understand Your Role Rickie Jenkins Sermon Lessons on Marriage, Home and Family Gospel Meeting 2016-08-07_Jenkins_Understand_Your_Role.mp3
08/07/16 Conflict Resolution Rickie Jenkins Sermon Lessons on Marriage, Home and Family Gospel Meeting 2016-08-07_Jenkins_Conflict_Resolution.mp3
08/06/16 Marriage as God Would Have It Rickie Jenkins Sermon Lessons on Marriage, Home and Family Gospel Meeting 2016-08-06_Jenkins_Marriage_as_God_Would_Have_It.mp3
08/05/16 Caring Love Rickie Jenkins Sermon Lessons on Marriage, Home and Family Gospel Meeting 2016-08-05_Jenkins_Caring_Love.mp3
08/04/16 The Purpose of Marriage Rickie Jenkins Sermon Lessons on Marriage, Home and Family Gospel Meeting 2016-08-04_Jenkins_The_Purpose_of_Marriage.mp3

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